A tactical unmanned aerial system (TUAS), with redundant twin engines, designed to provide persistent day and night ISR capabilities in the world’s most challenging environments.

A tactical unmanned aerial system (TUAS), with redundant twin engines, designed to provide persistent day and night ISR capabilities in the world’s most challenging environments.
ASU-45 is a tactical unmanned aerial system (TUAS), with redundant twin engines, designed to provide persistent day and night ISR capabilities in the world’s most challenging environments.
The system is a multi-mission platform that can be equipped with cutting edge payloads, like: last generation EO/IR sensors, synthetic aperture radars, IMSI catchers, and radio repeaters to name a few. Designed to operate in places with little to no available infrastructure.
ASU-45 can optionally be fitted with two hard points and is compatible with the Skysting-F loitering munition and the 1kg warhead Silent Dagger free-fall guided munition.
Tactical platform and mobile GCS enable unparalleled mobility
Visual navigation for GNSS-denied environments available
AES 256 and AI powered dynamic encryption
Low infrastructure requirements